Increase quorum

The quorum for proposals is currently at 10,000 ILIS. In this state, it’s possibly too easy for a bad actor to submit a proposal unnoticed and have it passed with their own vote. On top of that, it makes submitting a proposal ‘just a formality’, because it’s likely that in the current state of the STAB protocol and the DAO people will vote in favor anyway if a proposal is not obviously malicious and it’s also not necessary to actually motivate people to vote, because 1 person can already easily make a proposal pass.

I want to discuss increasing the quorum dramatically to make it harder to pass malicious proposals unnoticed, but also to make proposals more than just a formality. To actually make passed proposals have some weight, so to speak :slight_smile:

To set a new number, I suggest we learn from the first 2 proposals (STAB launch and LSLUP collateral) and from an upcoming proposal concerning incentives. This should give us an idea of how active ILIS holders are, what amount of votes we can expect and thus what we could set the quorum to to make passing proposals a bit more of an effort (have to activate the community to actually vote).

Currently it’s looking like maybe 5 million could work, but this might change of course :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t have much to add. Would vote for.


Want to get this quorum increase done as soon as possible. There were also some other voting parameters that needed changing. Bundled this proposal with some other voting parameter tweaks and discussing here now if that’s alright with you:

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