Restoring a Validator Node database from a snapshot

Restoring from a snapshot for Validators

This is an excerpt of the Ledger Snapshots guide
that briefly describes the commands you need to execute to quickly restore the database of the Validator Node.
Please refer to the original guide for detailed explanations.

1. Prepare
apt install zstd
2. Stop the node
# if you are running via Docker
radixnode docker stop -f radix-fullnode-compose.yml

# if you are running via systemd
sudo systemctl stop radixdlt-node
3. Download the latest snapshot
3a. From CDN
  1. Browse the Latest Snapshots on CDN.
    Usually the latest backup would have the today’s date (they are uploaded daily at ~00:15 UTC).
  2. Set the date to a variable, for example:
  3. Download with curl or wget:
    curl -O$DIR/RADIXDB-no-api.tar.zst

This should give you the fastest download speed. For some weird reason, in some locations, this is very, very slow.
If you see that the download speed is less than 25MB/sec - try cancelling the download and using option b.

3b. From a server in Germany
  1. Set connection details to a variable
  2. Get the latest available backup and write it into a variable
    DIR=$(echo "ls -1 ????-??-??" | sftp $SSH_HOST | grep -v "sftp> " | sed 's/.$//' | tail -n 1)
    You might need to confirm adding the server to known hosts.
    When prompted for a password, enter: S4yNVUFpRfWABrgP.
  3. Make sure that it was set properly: echo $DIR.
  4. Download the snapshot
    scp -P 23 $SSH_HOST:$DIR/RADIXDB-no-api.tar.zst ./
    You might need to confirm adding to known hosts again and enter the same password one more time.
4. Unpack

Here /RADIXDB is the directory where Node’s ledger DB resides. Change it if needed.

rm -rf /RADIXDB/*
tar --use-compress-program=zstdmt -xvf RADIXDB-no-api.tar.zst -C /RADIXDB/
5. Update permissions and start the node
# if you are running via Docker
sudo chown -R systemd-coredump:systemd-coredump /RADIXDB
radixnode docker start -f radix-fullnode-compose.yml -t radix://rn1qthu8yn06k75dnwpkysyl8smtwn0v4xy29auzjlcrw7vgduxvnwnst6derj@

# if you are running via systems
sudo chown -R radixdlt:radixdlt /RADIXDB
sudo systemctl start radixdlt-node