Voting parameter tweak + possible council

The previous couple of proposals have given me some insight into how the DAO behaves when it comes to voting, and I think some parameters are in need of tweaking.

Yo already suggested increasing the quorum to something more sensible. I think 4-5M votes seems alright?

Additionally, most votes seem to be coming in during the first couple of days of the proposal. Combine this with the need for some more flexibility while the DAO is still relatively young and there are many things to tweak still, I propose we also decrease the standard voting period from 7 days to 3 days. Especially with the increased quorum, I don’t think it should pose any dangers.

Finally, I think it might make sense to appoint a council that oversees the voting process, and could even shorten a proposal’s duration if necessary. For instance, imagine we want to quickly change oracles, as the one we are currently using is failing. Then it would make sense to be able to reach a decision soon. This council could consist of a couple of people (or only me, but that’d be a bit strange I reckon…) that through multi-sig can decrease a proposal’s vote duration to a minimum of 1 day.

If this seems like something we would be interested in, it’s probably a good idea to set some rules on which kind of proposal’s the council is allowed to shorten.

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Three days sounds good to me.

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For the quorum it might be good to see what happens after the ILIS beta testing rewards unlock :grin: I can imagine quite some potential voting power will be lost which might make it harder to reach the quorum.

For the proposal period, I think three days is indeed fine to speed up finetuning the protocol in these early days.

Regarding the council… It’s an interesting idea, provided the scope of their power is (very) limited, touching only the most important parts of the protocol that could cause quickly esaclating issues if left unattended for too long. However, I’m not sure yet how these people would best be picked.

This is actually a very solid point… Maybe just change voting period to 3 days for now.


Reducing days allows for faster cadence of work being done. Essentially the notion of move fast while small. Makes sense. I do suspect after sufficient distribution of holders, this could increase to 5 days as urgency to move fast would in theory be lesser risk as the project grows


This is actually a very solid point… Maybe just change voting period to 3 days for now.

I think the impact of this turned out to be limited, right?

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Yea rather limited. I think 5M quorum should be good to start with? Gonna propose this weekend if people agree.

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Proposal is live as Proposal #6:

edit: the council idea was left for another proposal.

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This proposal passed.