Whose your favorite validator and why?

I’m looking for one final validator to allocate XRD to but can’t decide. I’m curious as to which validators everyone here likes and why. Are people just looking for ones that airdrop tokens? Are people looking for ones with the lowest fees? Or are people looking for the ones that offer benefits on exchanges, like Caviar and Dogecube? Seems like there’s a lot of great options these days. What do you recommend?

its hard to chose whats the most important thing. but i will chose ocinode. they have airdrops and they will have a “product” with a DEX.

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Nice yeah I stake with Delphi as well. Not a fan of the new 2.8% fee but it’s not the end of the world. Have you been voting in their community prediction events? Ever since the last one on the soccer game score prediction they’ve been getting very hard!!!

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Ocinode is a classic! I think that’s the very first node I staked with. I’m mad I didn’t stake more or stake with any of the 25% bonus validators but you live and learn. Do you know if we get more Oci if we add to our stake now? Or is it better to stake with partners? I don’t fully understand how they calculate how much Oci you get. It’s a little confusing. Ultimately I’m looking for the best way to earn more Oci in any of the upcoming airdrops / events. Oci will be HUGE I bet!

I’ve not.
Actually don’t even own any alt tokens yet, just xrd; kinda bummed about it lol. Been holding exrd since November, and finally decided to make the switch to xrd a few months ago (horrible decision for my cost-basis ughh…).
The most recent NBA prediction was the first one I’ve taken part in. Sent a screenshot of the choices to a friend whose into basketball, so hopefully he knows whats up and I get extra tokens:)
Should be receiving my first dph and oci airdrops pretty soon.

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My Validators of choice:


I personally think it is a really good mix.

The Ideomaker Radix Validator Node is still under the Radar in my opinion.
But the FAQ sentence “On top of that we are also preparing exclusive content just for our stakers.” could change a lot once there is something coming :slight_smile:


The current predictions have become slightly more difficult :yum:

But by staking with the DELPHINODE, you have ensured that you will get the highest possible winnings. Even if your prediction is not correct, your compensation is higher!


That’s why we love you!

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:heart_eyes: Soon we will really get started!


I’m staked with delphi, mattianode and radical staking!
Delphi is one of the best and useful projects on radix at the moment, but I’m keeping an eye also on radical staking with their huge giveaways.


In my opinion, if the desired reward is then the answer is to choose a validator with the lowest fee.
Then with this staking airdrop becomes an additional option, more money +.
Not the main thing but worth using as a good reason when choosing a node validator, at least until the end of this year.

**ITS Australia
**Crypto Crew Validator


My favourite validators as of now:

  • Delphinode: 100% bonus for staking airdrops, community events, future potential
  • Ocinode/Oci partners: Probably the most popular project on Radix, I think it will be big + staking airdrops
  • Radix DLT Staking: $XSEED token has a great utility, so I joined them + staking airdrop
  • Lucky8: I like the concept of the lossless lottery.

Personally, I’m not really into getting 10% yearly gains when I could buy a jpeg and sell it for 100% more in a month.


To me all the ociswap partners ect, I am focusing mainly on ociswap as I know the team behind it is legit and I want as many oci as I can get, yes we love the tech but we also want to make money and to me ociswap as the most upside so I stake all mine with them and their validators


@TamasH Staking bonus airdrop I still doubt it because I didn’t get any bonus. like ociswap I staking before reaching 1% and I don’t get the bonus.
and they say like because of staking that much if you want to increase the amount. but i didn’t get the previous bonus and no answer about it. just like a very mysterious airdrop calculation formula. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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You get the bonus, it is included in the sent out OCI-s.
They do it pretty openly, and if you ask question, you get an answer in the Telegram (it happened in my case)
Reach out to Floran or Lukas.

But this is an off topic from now on, so let’s end this discussion here. :slight_smile:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: OCI Token price prediction