Guess the price of XRD after 10 years ☺️

why always so much? i think 5-10 could be realistic.

Realistic calculations do exist but, in the long-term vision, I see this might be a big target.
the world will not refuse better technology, and ecosystem migration with bridges to radix is also possible, why not. :))

i would say between 5-35 usd… uptowards 100usd in 2040

whats your explanation for a price upwards 100usd?

If radix succeeds its not unthinkable it will reach a 1000billion valuation (like bitcoin last year) or even beyond. With current crypto growth i wouldnt be surprized if radix could even do a 2000+ billion valuation by then. Current financial institutions are worth a staggering usd. With de-fi at web3 many of these old institutions might become obsolete or at least by part. Add current inflation and this valuation could easily quadruple. If radix manages to only get 1 percent of this total marketcap your looking at 370.000.000.000 not counting inflation levels. If radix manages to fulfill all their promises i would not rule out a 5% marketshare ==> 1.800 billion valuation. Thats before inflation. Lots of Ifs though :-p.

so we need to have a 100 billion market cap, if BNB reaches new ATH. i hope the same butt this needs hard work from the team and community.

It may be difficult to make that happen because it means there will be more money flowing into crypto. It’s not impossible but it’s also worth discussing whether exchanges can stabilize when more money flows into their platforms.

Based on my gut feeling and where web3 is going I would say above 100$.

Don’t forget that the internet will expand and evolve. They estimate that only the Metaverse will be a 13 Trillion industry by 2030.

And to have an open permission-less economic layer for this Metaverse they need a layer 1 DLT to sustain these interoperable transactions, assets and etc. Guess who’s the best contender for this spot? Bingo :slight_smile:
Only if we grab 10 percent of these 13 trillions, we have a value of 1XRD above 100$. That if the Dollar has any value by then at all :))

And to that add all the DeFi market and traditional financial sector, and yeah… Don’t even want to think about it, haha.

Off-course this is on the presumption that the tech aspect goes according to plan and Regulation doesn’t mess up everything, or even worse some global conflict crisis pops.

A lot of IFs.

That could be a very long running delphibet… Hmm… I say 5$ too.


The longest one delhibet ever may have XD