How to get your NFT added on RadixTalk

Want to get your NFT listed in our list and have your own thread?

Yes please! I simply want to fill a form and get listed.

Here’s the Google form!

I will then add your NFT to the summary list and create your own thread where you will be able to post any kind of updates, airdrops, giveaways, etc.

If you have any questions, message me on RadixTalk or on Telegram.

Yes, but I'd like to create and manage the thread myself, customize it however I like it with as many info as I want!

Awesome! If you haven’t already, sign up on RadixTalk and then go here to apply for the Project Creators group. You will then be able to create threads in the Projects and NFT/Tokens categories.

For an NFT, please create your thread in the NFT subcategory here.

You can use this template as a start, but feel free to customize it however you want. You can add more links, multiple images, you can even format your thread using markdown language.

# Name

Link to image (NFT, logo, whatever you prefer).

> NFT description (no character limits)

> Brief NFT description (maximum 180 characters, this will be added in the "NFT summary")

**Price of each NFT**: amount of XRD

* [Website](

* [Twitter](
* [Telegram](

Once you created your thread, I will then manually add your NFT to the list.

The image preview in the summary will be around 250x250 pixels. Up to you to provide two images, one exactly 250x250 for the summary and a second (as big as you want it) for your thread, or simply one and I will do my best to resize it. Feel free to send me a PM on RadixTalk to send the resized image.