How to send different amounts of Tokens to different addresses in one transaction?

I’ve seen several previous projects airdrop multiple wallet addresses at once, In one transaction.
Is there any docs on doing multiple senders? Radix wallet official can’t do it or this feature doesn’t exist yet.
Someone who knows can help?


You can do this programmatically but not through the wallet. Basically a transaction can have any number of ‘actions’ such as “TransferTokens” and you can theoretically put as many transfer actions as you like (although realistically I’ve only heard of around 2000 transfer actions being done in one transaction).

There is some guidance here: Making Transactions

Currently you can only have one signer for the transaction, it’s not yet possible to have multiple senders but this functionality will be available at Babylon with the new Transaction Manifest.


Kevin (if he’s on Radix Talk) could provide good answer as he has done airdrop for scorp holders by Bobby Flay. Obviously at this moment non-coding user is not able to do this. I guess some of the wallets will offer this options as soon as this is possible to easily implement. Usecase: giveaways.

The easiest way to do this is to use a python library that Omar created called radixlib GitHub - 0xOmarA/RadixLib: A Python package written to make the interaction with the Radix ledger easier.

An example of this capability can be found here: RadixLib/examples/6- multi-action transactions/ at master · 0xOmarA/RadixLib · GitHub

What @Zoddo says about a non-coding user being unable to do this is not necessarily true. I taught telegram user “No Thanks” how to do this in about an hour, the library is good enough that anyone with the technical background to use radix can figure it out (you’re just replacing constant values)

Here’s some code, as well:

import radixlib as radix
import time

# STEP 1. Put the seed phrase you generated with the script.  Remember, don't share this with anyone.
seed_phrase = "cute crater drum enlist silent spoil fat morning over bench reflect amazing"

# STEP 2. Find a token's rri (a unique id associated with the token).  The easiest way to find that is to search it here - it's the "Identifier" column.  I've put the rri for HUG already, so if you are sending HUG, no need to change it.
token_rri = "hug_rr1qvmyyk0ncca9m9m8mx68knhhc2nmw0vtpdvxhvvtw0vstmcjhj"

# How many tokens to send.  Each token can be divided into 10^18 decimal precision, the smallest unit in radix is called the atto.  So 10^18 attos = 1 token.  I've put in 1 HUG (token) as the default here, the units are in attos.
amount_to_send = 1 * 10**18

# STEP 3. Who to send it to.  See me for help with getting a list of addresses once ready to rumble.
# TYPE: list of strings of RDX addresses
message_recipients = []

# STEP 4. What message to send?  Feel free to change.  With this code everyone will recieve the same message.
message_text = "Yo what's up??"

# STEP 4. Blacklist/Exclude list - even if someone is in the list in step 3, specifically don't send to these wallets:
# TYPE: list of strings of RDX addresses
blacklist = [

to_addresses = [x for x in message_recipients if x not in blacklist]

def main() -> None:
    # Defining the network that we will be connecting to.
    network: =

    # Creating a new wallet object using the mnemonic phrase above on the network defined.
    wallet: radix.Wallet = radix.Wallet(
        provider = radix.Provider(network),
        signer = radix.Signer.from_mnemonic(seed_phrase)

    print("Wallet address:", wallet.address)

    actions = wallet.action_builder

    for to_address in to_addresses:

        actions = actions.token_transfer(
            from_account_address = wallet.address,
            to_account_address = to_address,
            token_rri = token_rri,
            transfer_amount = amount_to_send

    tx_hash = wallet.build_sign_and_send_transaction(
        actions = actions,
        message_string = message_text
    print("Transaction executed successfully.  Transaction hash:", tx_hash)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Also, here’s some code to generate a wallet from a random seed phrase:

import random
import radixlib as radix

def main() -> None:

    # The network that we will be connecting the wallet to
    network: =

    WORDLIST = ["abandon","ability","able","about","above","absent","absorb","abstract","absurd","abuse",

    phrase = " ".join(random.sample(WORDLIST, 12))

    wallet: radix.Wallet = radix.Wallet(
        provider = radix.Provider(network),
        signer = radix.Signer.from_mnemonic(phrase)
    print("SEED PHRASE: (WRITE THIS DOWN somewhere SAFE and NEVER share it)\n", phrase)
    print("RADIX ADDRESS: (recommend writing this down too, but it can be found again using the seed)\n", wallet.address)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but from reading the other replies it seems like this cannot be done without writing/using code at this point? Is there a way to simplify this pre-Babylon?

Sure, make a pull request to the Olympia Wallet and convince the radix team that it’s a necessary feature.

Or release your own wallet with this feature and convince people it’s safe to use.

Why do you really need to send to multiple people at once / send multiple tokens in one transaction?

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Wallet migration, or something else. For other safety reasons.
When I open a new wallet I definitely want it to be more secure than other wallets.

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Hi Kevin, thank you for correcting me. I know about Omar’s python library although I do not have python experience so I didn’t use it. I guess one could use it and do things without experience and knowledge but I think it’s better to have some understanding of what’s is going on.

Agree with that. My point was that it’s very easy to use, but you could run into some problems if you’re completely unknowledgeable about programming. And you’ll need someone to help you along

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