Thanks to @talesofbeem, RadixTalk now supports Radix Connect login: no need to remember your email or password, just login using your Radix Wallet!
NOTE: Your Persona (label and email address) must match your username and email address on the forum.
So, if you’re migrating from password login to Radix Connect login, please make sure your persona label and email address match those of your pre-existing user on RadixTalk.
If you’re creating a new account using Radix Connect, make sure your persona label is your desired username and that the email you’re using is active and under your control - or you won’t be able to recover your account.
NOTE: you cannot have active both Radix Connect login and password login - only the last one you migrated to will work.
So if you migrated to Radix Connect login, you will have to use Radix Connect to login, or migrate back to password login.
If you migrated back to password login, your Radix Connect login won’t work.
New accounts - Radix Connect signup
On the top right of the screen, click “Sign Up”
No need to enter any details manaully, just click on “Connect” on the right side and sign up using your Radix persona (your new account username and email will be those of your persona’s)
Migrated accounts - Radix Connect login
Just click on “Connect” on the right hand side and login using your Radix Wallet app.
Pre-existing accounts: migrating from password login to Radix Connect login
Click on “Migrate to Radix Connect”
To connect, use or create a persona with your username as label, and the email you used to sign up on RadixTalk as email address
If the migration went successfully, you will be logged out - you can now login using your Radix Wallet.
Migrating back from Radix Connect login to password login:
Click on “send password reset email”, follow the instructions and you will be able to reset your password.
- I tried signing up but nothing happened/I got a 401 error
Try logging in - if you can’t login, most likely your username or email is already taken, so the account creation failed. Create a new persona and try again
- I tried logging in - but I get “Incorrect username, email or password”
Are you sure your account is enabled to use Radix Connect? Try logging with your password and migrating again.
- I tried migrating - but nothing happened!
The migration most likely failed. Please check your persona label and email match those of your account.