Hej Radix fam,
here we go with the new weekly summary.
This week was very busy on twitter. We see an increase of 71 % on tweets with hashtags #Radix, xrd or $XRD. When you follow Twitter you see that there is a huge amount of tweets by Dan, Piers and RadixDLT in preparation of RadFi on 8th December.
On request we added Staking and Unstaking amounts and are happy that staking amount is nearly double.
Winners of the week are:
- RadicalFractals + 26%
- RadorablesNFT +21%
- BuffWildRadix +12%
- RadorablesNFT +18%
- UndyingVikings +15%
- Singularity +10%
Xidar_Ida lost 48% of members on Telegram