RadixLib - Radix Python Library

Developer: 0xOmar#4183 on Discord


This seems to be under active development.
That makes me soooo happy… :partying_face: :sunglasses:

This actually already got published to PyPI and is now released as v1.0.0 !! This guy is fast!

With an acknowledgement to @Stuart for being awesome.

I haven’t had time to try it yet unfortunately but will play with it as soon as possible.

Good seeing these initiatives that provide a kickstart to those looking to develop projects on Radix :slight_smile:

I agree, this is really cool and will help lots of people get solutions up and running. I hope to try it out soon too.

I’m very happy to see that you have found this library and that you’ve found it to be useful! I’m super committed to this and to Radix in general so this package is something that I will be actively maintaining and developing for the many years to come :smiley:

I must give a huge thank you to Stuart as he is a true pioneer in everything radix and he’s been a great help for this package!


The Signer has three construct method:

  1. from_mnemonic
  2. from_wallet_json
  3. from_encrypted_entropy

Why not add a from_keystore (it is the validator’s key file).

I’ve used this library and it’s great