Twitter Links to RadixTalk are not rendering the RadixTalk Logo

Seems to be a shading thing. When you hover over it. you can see the RadixTalk logo.


Thanks! Works in Twitter dark mode so I never noticed it before :man_facepalming:

Will get it sorted out.

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Ha ha. Was just about to say the same.

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Image updated but Twitter appears to cache it so might take a while to feed through.
Thanks again for the heads up.

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Something similar might be happening on Android. This is my Galaxy S9.

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Thanks for letting me know Jazzer. Sorry about that. I think I need to go through the Discourse configuration again and sort out all the branding images/icons etc.

On it.


Completely not a priority imo, but just wanted to let you know. :slight_smile:


And just for completeness’ sake:


The favicon looks like it’s missing on an active (Firefox) tab as well. I guess, because it’s white :slight_smile:

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Dark mode, mobile, logo looks like is taken from the light mode. On desktop (still dark mode), logo looks fine.

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I’ve had another go at fixing some of the logos. Favicon needs to be sorted out in dark mode though.

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Can confirm :+1:
Thanks Stuart!

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