What DEX to reinvest the money from the 'cerby-situation" in?

ociswap will present the dex in the future, stay tune


What do you mean I didnt do my research? I was specifically asking for DEX alternatives and you are talking about Delphibets? Would be new to me if they plan on doing a DEX but I am open for a correction here.

You are right, I left out DeFiPlaza. Do they plan to go ahead as a DEX on Radix past Babylon as well?

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So what are your thoughts on the “is there room for more than one DEX”-Question? Which seems to be a very important one

I have to apologize! You are totaly right and as I reread my words now it sounds actually pretty rude also. Sorry about that. I was kinda drunk and in the middle of the night.

Thing is i am totaly bullish about Delphi. But i should have read your question properly! What i said about Delphi is true, but Delphi has nothing to do with a DEX. So i missed the topic completely. Shame on me.


There was actually a concern about when Babylon was first active there might be more than one DEX active on radix.
Maybe it will be like which DEX is more popular and most actively used, but as an investor might be worried, which dex or dex token should I have and Which dex has the most potential?

Maybe the initial community that is being built at this time is the main key of which dex will be the best dex.
Ociswap is probably the best first dex with big development and community. great trust and great community.

Meow :cat2::smiley_cat:

All good my friend. I got Delphi on my radar dont worry :wink:


Exactly my thought as well.

The bigger a DEX the better its services most likely. So it might be more about which one the community chooses as first mover rather then which provides the very best service.

On this front OCI seems to be ahead of the competition now, since Cerby is completely out of the game.

UI/UX wise Caviar looks the best right now, but we don’t know what Oci will come up with. Considering Florian is quite the techie, we can expect something good.

i invested everything in NFTs.
if marketplaces were available they will make you rich.

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I am personally going big on ociswap , the team is great and trustworthy, i lost alot with cerby and its still pretty painful and no one saw it coming.

Jazza is also a trusted member of the community and I am invested in defi plaza, also super clever guy so it should be a good one

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do you think its to late to invest when there is a XRD bridge to DeFiPlaza or still time when there is a native XRD token from them? (in case there is gonna be such one)

I agree. As soon as fully automated marketplaces hit the market like Artistizen for example the NFT flipping will really kick off.

You buying into all the projects?

Never too late man, I am invested in defi plaza and they even have staking , its still very early

I hope that someone will use the code cerby put together to take this forward and create something similar, all the code was made open source so maybe someone can continue from there

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I see each and every DEX evolve differently at some point. For now, I am quite excited to see the growth OciSwap and CaviarSwap. And as far as DogeCube goes, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Now, I’m obviously bias but my project (Radish Eco), will release a DEX on its platform. I look forward to seeing where this will go.


Oh there is gonna be Radish DEX as well? Thought only a MP coming! What are the priorities here? Love the website and looks quite professional. Do I need to stack up on some more Radishes then for the next RDS drop? Is there actually a way of getting those (other than otc) to get those @mik ?

You have to remember that DefiPlaza is currently only an ECR20 token platform. It is also based primarily on high volume tokens. Jazzer is also someone I trust very highly, as he was one of only a very few OG members that actually saw the eMunie code to add verification of the mathematical formulas.

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After what happened with CerbyMask, I have complete confidence in @DELPHIBETS : clear roadmap, excellent communication, strategic prediction “games”. I am pretty satisfied with the way they are handling their Telegram group, posting daily news and updates about the project. 9K active members on telegram for a project that has not already started simply show its real potential.


Actually as I have mentioned before a great dex to invest in is osmosis on cosmos, very cheap and works amazing, great returns and the tokens supply will shortly be reduced. If you want a privacy dex you can use something also on atom called Sienna, low mc, good returns all private , they also have a lending protocol, where you just earn from holding tokens and you can remove your tokens anytime you want.

You can take these rewards and buy more radix or ociswap during the bear market. But i would not trust any dex projects on radix other than ociswap. Imo.