What do you think of NFT projects based on nudity, i saw one about male genitals and I dont think this is good for the radix brand

What do you think of NFT projects based on nudity, i saw one about male genitals and I dont think this is good for the radix brand , whats your view ?

I’m not in favour of them.

I think it would be a different story if they had more effort put into them. I don’t know, what’s the scope of a nft based on nudity? could we really consider it “art”?

Well the project I am referring to is one based on mens private parts , its a radix project and honestly I just think its really gross, not sure why anyone would want to put time and effort into something like that. It just cartoons characters of male private parts, some may find it funny but i dont think its good for the brand

I think it does more harm than good to the radix brand. I dont think nudity should be part of any NFT.

Well, Radix is permissionless, so everyone can create whatever token they want for whatever NFT they want. I’m not sure there’s anything anyone can do to stop that, except not buying it :sweat_smile:

Also, what’s built on chain shouldn’t affect the chain itself, I really hope people don’t judge Radix on those NFTs…

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No i understand and that is the problem, so could someone have full on pornographic films as NFTs on radix market plce ? If there is no control can someone upload things like child abuse ect ? or other illegal stuff ?

What do you think about the NFT project based on nudity, I saw one about male genitalia and I don’t think it’s good for radix brand

What do you think about the NFT project based on nudity, I saw one about male genitalia and I don’t think this is good for the radix brand, what are your views?

Have you ever seen a naked radish? I think some people don’t care. they buy what they want when they want it.
but if it is juxtaposed with the brand, it is a little less good, because it becomes a negative joke. but it’s all for the collection maybe rarely anyone makes a fuss about it.

A naked radish? hat are you talking about ? I am asking about human nudity as NFT’s also if no one has control over the NFT market or what is minted then what is to stop some sicko from launching child abuse NFT ?

I dont really understand the problem here.

The Radix community is a share of the world. There are infinite different believes and opinions out there. Who can say whats “nice” and “bad”? As long as no legal boundaries are overstepped I dont see a problem with nudity for example.

People like nudity in the “real world”, and so there will be people in this community who like it just like the art you are referring to, why would we exclude their likings here?

I do agree that making promotions for the network itself with this art might be a bad idea, but thats only due to the reason the share of people interested in this art is too small and not represents the mainstream well enough.

There is a place for everyone in this community.
I hope my opinion makes sense here.


Yes sure mate, I get it , my other question is if there is no control about what nft is uploaded to the radix network then whats to stop a person uploading child porn ect ?

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Yeah thats a valid concern and there are boundaries of course to that.

Tough to decide who is responsible for this. Same as right now on Social media regarding hate speech and missinformation. Is it in the platforms responsibilities to check?

I dont really think there is a solution to this problem yet. Especially on decentralized technologies where anonymity is a thing and you cant straight up go after who released something.

I think there was some discussion around this kind of topic from Dan somewhere? Perhaps about moderation on potential social media applications on ledger in the future. How does something which is immutable and public deal with unsavoury or illegal content. It’s a tough problem for sure, as you then get into how far does the moderation if/once it is introduced. Censorship resistance is one of the main goals of a DLT, no? Originally in the context of censorship-free money, but then we can extend that to messages for example on ledger.

The simplest answer is that there could be moderation at the app-level but the ledger state itself remains permissionless and immutable. For example, as social media app which could have safety measures for kids who may use the app so that certain posts/pages/users are hidden even though they remain on ledger?

Definitely a tough problem though.

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Well I agree on an app level there needs to be censorship, we already have the dark web where people can post anything so that does exist in the world today

There will always be trade offs. Free speech means bad speech will exist. Censorship resistant money/cash will mean criminals will be able to use it etc

We just need to judge are the trade-offs worth it

I agree that NFTs should be permissionless and for this reason I can accept NFT based on nudity if they have something to say (art, for example) Completely different regarding with allowing pedo NFTs to spread all around: here we must be good at making a distinction between the free speech’s sphere and hateful speech/unlawful behaviours such as child abuse.