Why is Radix unverified/ranked so low on CoinMarketCap?

The Market Cap on CoinMarketCap is currently unverified because it requires independent price data from at least 3 different exchanges.

Once XRD is traded on more exchanges then the Market Cap will become verified on CoinMarketCap and XRD will be ranked correctly.

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Currently radix already has 8 Exchanges so when exactly can radix have a properly verified ranking?
Several times this question arises because there are many exchanges that support the mainnet radix network. are there any other issues that are taking this process so long to deal with.
CoinMarketCap is currently the pillar of trust for the crypto community, at least this is always a valid reason why the issue with CMC is immediately resolved.

I hope to get a definite answer soon about this listing


CMC is not only dependant on the number of exchanges. They only care about high-tier exchanges, so about ~3 of our current exchanges (Bitfinex, Gate, MEXC). In my opinion low volume also contributes to the slowness of this process.

By the way, you can check out the official listings criterias in this page.

To add something positive: Farah from RDX Works already verified, that they are working with CMC closely on this.

Please correct me if I am wrong, the eXRD market cap is already included in the xrd mc, correct? What does this imply?


I think Exrd has a different market cap because it is a different type of token, we can see that the supply amount of EXRD is 1904958666 Exrd (you can see it at (https://stats.radixdlt.com/supply/exrd- in circulation)
While xrd has a circulating supply of 9,910,683,975 XRD https://stats.radixdlt.com/supply/xrd-circulating

The Market Capitalization of crypto assets is calculated using the following formula:
A = The current price of the crypto asset in USD
B = Supply of available assets

Market Capitalization = A * B
from here there are differences between mcap xrd and exrd namely:

$682,444,081 for xrd and $131,592,879 for exrd

but have similarities in FDV,

Maybe actually the price between xrd and exrd can be exchanged 1:1, for example BTC with WBTC even though they have the same price but their market cap is different and the amount of supply is also different. What is certain is that Warpped tokens have a large supply under the mainnet network and are continuously maintained by means of a wormhole, bridge, or instapass mechanism.

Maybe that’s my opinion, thanks.