Spike Bros

Spike Bros


In 1995, the Cactus Space Agency, launched 10000 cactus into space as an experiment. Little would they know, radiations transformed them into weird creatures. Spike Bros is an art NFT consisting of 10000 randomly generated space cacti.

Price of each NFT: 40 XRD or equivalent in DGC




We are doing another NFT giveaway. This time, the 3 winners will be chosen from the first 100 members of our Telegram: Telegram: Contact @spike_bros. All you have to do is join the Spike Bros telegram.
Winners will be selected when we reach 100 members.
Good luck!

As of now, there are currently 43 members in the Telegram group. Best hurry up! :wink:

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Thanks Mattia for the update !
We are now at 78 members. Only 22 left before we pick the three winners :slight_smile:

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Our website has been released. Head over to https://spikebrosnft.com to find more information about the project and browse the Bros catalog !

You can now buy Spike Bros !

To buy some, send 40 XRD per Bro that you want to the following address:
