Recent events surrounding a certain validator (who shall not be named!) suffering a significant downtime of 48 hours have highlighted a need for community validators to agree on a certain minimum standard for the good of the network and to give peace of mind to the staking community.
I would therefore like to present the Validator Code of Conduct. This is a voluntary agreement entered into by validators who are committed to maintaining a minimum standard of safety and redundancy to the Radix mainnet. By agreeing to these terms, the community have some assurances that a validator has the means and ability to rectify any issue swiftly, or unregister with minimal disruption to the network.
Validators who agree to follow these principles will be awarded a Radix Talk badge to signify their commitment to running reliable, safe nodes. Stakers can identify these badge holders at the following link:
We will maintain a fully synchronised backup node in a separate location to our primary validator node.
We will ensure our validator keystore file and keyfile password is securely backed up in a separate location to the server(s).
We will endeavour to perform any mandatory updates to our nodes in a timely manner (ideally within 48 hours).
We will ensure that we have a system for monitoring node performance and alerting of critical issues.
We pledge to unregister our validator node in the event of a situation that cannot be resolved within 3 consecutive epochs.
We will ensure a minimum balance of 12XRD is available on our node’s hot wallet to facilitate the transactions to unregister/register.
We will ensure that multiple contact methods are available to the community.
We will provide regular updates to our stakers and the wider community in the event of any downtime that exceeds 3 consecutive epochs.
We will publish a report after resolving any incident(s) of downtime that exceeds 3 consecutive epochs and provide steps to mitigate future occurrences.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to comment and I would welcome any validator who wishes to agree to follow these principles to respond below.